Επιστ. Υπεύθυνος |
Τίτλος | Remedial and Rehabilitation Tourism in Thessaly |
Συμμετέχοντες Φορείς | CERETETH and 6 other partners |
Φορέας Χρηματοδότησης | GSRT |
We will be responsible for developing and establishing remedial and rehabilitation tourism in Thessaly. The target group will principally include renal patients, individuals with cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal disorders from both Greece and abroad. This will be achieved through the following Main Scientific and Technological Objectives:
– A: built a user friendly e-tourism platform which will effectively accommodate the project’s requirements.
– B: develop exercise programmes specific for the needs of each group of patients aiming at improving their physical/medical condition.
– C: organise and provide service certification of third parties (i.e. hotels, restaurants, taxi, haemodialysis centres, e.t.c.).
– D: Test the platform in real life experiments
– E: independent evaluation: experts from Greece and abroad will look for weak elements in the e-tourism platform; this process will ensure successful continuation of the scheme even after the end of the project.