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Georgios Stamoulis, Professor | |
Discipline Area | Digital VLSI Circuit Design |
Diploma | Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece |
Ph.D. | Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Office | 333 |
Office Hours | Monday 15:00-16:00 Thursday 13:00-15:00 |
Tel. | +30 24210 74971 |
georges@e-ce.uth.gr | |
CV Google Scholar |
Georgios I. Stamoulis. “Design and Analysis of High Transmission Rate Telecommunication Circuit Elements.” Diploma Thesis. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. National Technical University of Athens, June 1989.
Georgios I. Stamoulis. “New techniques for probabilistic simulation of VLSI CMOS circuits.” Master’s Thesis. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 1991.
Georgios I. Stamoulis. “Probabilistic simulation for reliability and average power estimation.” Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 1994.
P. -C. Li, G. I. Stamoulis, and I. N. Hajj, “A probabilistic timing approach to hot-
carrier effect estimation”. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Conference on Computer Aided Design, pp. 210-213, November 1992.
G. I. Stamoulis, and I. N. Hajj, “Improved techniques for probabilistic simulation
including signal correlation effects”. Proceedings of the 30th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pp. 379-383, June 1993.
P. -C. Li, G. I. Stamoulis, and I. N. Hajj, “iPROBE-d: A hot-carrier and oxide reliability simulator”. Proceedings of the International Reliability Physics
Symposium 1994, pp. 274-279.
G. I. Stamoulis, and I. N. Hajj, “Slope considerations in probabilistic simulation”. Proceedings of the 1994 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, pp. 186-190, May
G. I. Stamoulis, “A Monte-Carlo approach for the accurate and efficient estimation of average transition probabilities in sequential logic circuits”. Proceedings of the
1996 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, pp. 221-224.
G. I. Stamoulis et al. “Transistor-level optimization”. Proceedings of the Design
Technology and Test Conference 1997. Invited paper.
Y. Ye, K. Roy, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Quasi-static energy recovery logic and supply
clock generation circuits”. Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Low Power Design, pp. 96-99.
N. Bellas, I. Hajj, C. Polychronopoulos, and G. Stamoulis, “Architectural and compiler support for energy reduction in the memory hierarchy of high- performance microprocessors”. Proceedings of the 1998 International Symposium
on Low Power Design, pp. 70-75. June 1998.
N. Bellas, I. Hajj, C. Polychronopoulos, and G. Stamoulis, “A new scheme for I- Cache energy reduction in High Performance Processors”. Power-Driven
Microarchitectures Workshop, International Symposium On Computer Architecture (ISCA), June 1998, Barcelona, Spain
U. K. Narayanan, R. K. Roy, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Characterizing individual gate
power sensitivity in low power design”. Proceedings of VLSI-India 1999, pp. 625- 628.
N. Bellas, I. Hajj, C. Polychronopoulos, and G. Stamoulis, “Energy and Performance Improvements in Microprocessor Design using a Loop Cache”. Proceedings of
ICCD ’99, pp. 378-383.
P. D. Dimitropoulos, C. Kachris, and G. I. Stamoulis, “A New SOI capacitive sensor for absolute and differential pressure measurements,” Digest 18th European Conf. Solid State Sensors (EUROSENSORS 2004), September 2004, Rome – Italy, pp.
P. D. Dimitropoulos, S. P. Nikolaidis, D. P. Karampatzakis, and G. I. Stamoulis, “A low-power CMOS VLSI circuit for signal conditioning in integrated capacitive sensors,” IEEE Proc. 3rd International Conf. Sensors (Sensors 2004), October 2004,
Vienna, Austria, pp. 202–205.
P. D. Dimitropoulos, E. Hristoforou, and G. I. Stamoulis, “A hybrid Jiles-Atherton / Stoner-Wolfarth magnetic hysteresis model for inductive sensors and actuators,” IEEE Proc. 3rd International Conf. Sensors (Sensors 2004), October 2004, Vienna,
Austria, pp. 1566–1569.
N. E. Evmorfopoulos, D. P. Karampatzakis, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Voltage-Drop-
Constrained Optimization of Power Distribution Network Based on Reliable Maximum Current Estimates”, ICCAD ’04, pp. 479- 484.
D. P. Karampatzakis, N. E. Evmorfopoulos and G. I. Stamoulis, “A Statistically-
Based Engine for P/G Network Optimization”, IEEE PRIME ’05, pp. 51- 54.
G. Dimitriou, P. K. Kikiras, G. I. Stamoulis, and I. N. Avaritsiotis. “A Tool for
Calculating Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics 2005, pp. 611-621.
G. Stamoulis, M. Koziri, I. Katsavounidis, and N. Bellas, “A Low-Power VLSI Architecture for Intra Prediction in H.264”, Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic
Conference on Informatics 2005, pp. 633-640.
D. Karampatzakis, N. Evmorfopoulos, M. Tsiampas, and G. Stamoulis, “An RTL-to- grid design flow for power grid verification based on a statistical estimation
engine”, IEEE PRIME, Lecce, Italy, 2006.ΙΕΕΕ PRIME ’06, pp. 37-40.
M. G. Koziri, G. I. Stamoulis, and I. X. Katsavounidis, “A Low-Power VLSI Architecture for Intra Prediction in H.264”, ΙΕΕΕ PRIME ’06, pp. 109-112.
D. Bountas, and G. I. Stamoulis, “CARROT: A Tool for Fast and Accurate Soft Error
Rate Estimation”, 6th International Workshop, SAMOS 06, pp.331-338.
N. Evmorfopoulos, D. P. Karampatzakis, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Precise Identification of the Worst-Case Voltage Drop Conditions in Power Grid Verification”, ICCAD
’06, pp. 112-118.
M. G. Koziri, G. I. Stamoulis, and I. X. Katsavounidis, “Power reduction in H.264 encoder through algorithmic and circuits transformation” ISLPED 2006, pp. 107-
M. G. Koziri, A. N. Dadaliaris, G. I. Stamoulis, and I. X. Katsavounidis, “A Novel
Low-Power Motion Estimation Design for H.264”, ASAP 2007.
P. Kikiras, D. Drakoulis, D. Dres, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Wireless Sensor Networks: Business Models and Market Issues”. 6th Conf. Telecomm Technoeconomics,
2007, Helsinki, Finland.
K. Katsalis, A. Xenakis, K. Kikiras, and G. Stamoulis, “Topology Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks for Precision Agriculture Applications” “International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications SENSORCOMM 2007,
Valencia, Spain, pp. 526-530.
K. Katsalis, A. Xenakis, P. Kikiras, and G. Stamoulis, “Μεθοδολογίες
βελτιστοποίησης της τοπολογίας ασυρμάτων δικτύων αισθητήρων σε εφαρμογές γεωργίας ακριβείας” (Wireless sensor network topology optimization for precision agriculture applications). 5ο Συνέδριο Ε.Γ.Μ.Ε. (5th National Agricultural Engineering Congress), 2007, Larissa, Greece.
K. Katsalis, A. Xenakis, K. Kikiras, and G. Stamoulis, “Topology Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks for Precision Agriculture Applications”. 6th European
Conference on Precision Agriculture, 2007, Skiathos, Greece.
D. P. Karampatzakis, M. K. Tsiampas, N. E. Evmorfopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis, “A Design Flow for the Precise Identification of the Worst-Case Voltage Drop in
Power Grid Analyses”. Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 2008 (PCI '08), pp. 135 – 139.
P. Kikiras, L. Perlepes, I. Kalavros, A. Tzimas, and G. Stamoulis, “Sensor Networks
Applications in Livestock Production: the Case of Fleming Institute’s Animal House”. 2nd Panellehnic Conference of Livestock Breeding, 2008, Larissa, Greece.
P. Kikiras, L. Perlepes, and G. Stamoulis, “Wireless Sensor Networks in Gaming”.
1st Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, 2008, Athens, Greece.
D. Bountas, G. Stamoulis, and N. Evmorfopoulos, “A macromodel technique for VLSI dynamic simulation by mapping pre-characterized transitions”. IEEE
International Conference on Computer Design, 2008 (ICCD 2008), pp. 450 – 456.
N. Papadakis, K. Ntalianis, A. Doulamis, and G. Stamoulis, “An Automatic Multi- Agent Web Image and Associated Keywords Retrieval System”. 16th International
Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2009 (IWSSIP 2009), pp. 1- 4.
M. Owaida, M. Koziri, I. Katsavounidis, and G. Stamoulis, “A high performance and low power hardware architecture for the transform and quantization stages in H.264”. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2009 (ICME
2009), pp. 1102 – 1105.
A. Xenakis, L. Perlepes, P Kikiras, and G. Stamoulis. “Application of the LGR Algorithm for topology control in a wireless sensor network for precision agriculture applications”. Panhellenic Conference of the Society of Agricultural
Engineers, 2009, Thessaloniki Greece, pp. 641-648.
C. Chatziplaton, G. I. Stamoulis, and P.Kikiras, “Vehicle speed and position
determination using WSN”. 2nd Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, 2009, Athens, Greece.
G. Giannakas, F. Plessas, G. Nassopoulos, and G. Stamoulis, “A 2.45GHz power harvesting circuit in 90nm CMOS”. 17th IEEE International Conference on
Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2010, pp. 835 – 838.
M. K. Tsiampas, D. Bountas, P. Merakos, N. E. Evmorfopoulos, S. Bantas, and
G. I. Stamoulis, “A power grid analysis and verification tool based on a Statistical Prediction Engine”. 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits,
and Systems (ICECS), 2010, pp. 839 – 842.
A. Zaharis, A. I. Martini, P. Kikiras, and G. Stamoulis, “User Authentication Method
and Implementation Using a Three-Axis Accelerometer”. MOBILIGHT 2010, pp. 192-202.
A. Raman, D. Bountas, and G. Stamoulis, “A High-Capacity Power Integrity Flow Supporting Inductive Rail Effects With Transistor-Level Accuracy”. Magma Users
Summit on Integrated Circuits 2010 (Best paper award).
A. Zaharis, A. I. Martini, L. Perlepes, G. Stamoulis, and P. Kikiras, “Live forensics framework for wireless sensor nodes using sandboxing”. Proceedings of the 6th ACM workshop on QoS and security for wireless and mobile networks 2010
(Q2SWinet '10), pp. 70-77.
N. Evmorfopoulos, M. –A. Rammou, G. Stamoulis, and J. Moondanos,
“Characterization of the worst-case current waveform excitations in general RLC- model power grid analysis”. 2010 IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 824 – 830.
V. N. Petoussis, P. D. Dimitropoulos, G. Stamoulis, and E. Houstis, “Novel Dynamic
Technique Reducing the Offset Voltage in a Hall Effect Sensor”. 18th Sensor + Test, 2011, pp. 780 – 785.
V. N. Petoussis, P. D. Dimitropoulos, G. Stamoulis, and E. Houstis, “Introducing a New Hall Effect Sensor- Novel Dynamic Offset Reduction Method”, 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and
Communication Systems (PECCS) Algarve Portugal, 2011.
A. Zaharis, L. Perlepes, G. Stamoulis, and P. Kikiras, “End – to – End Secure Data
Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks”. SENSORCOMM 2011, pp. 356-364.
F. Liakou, P. Dimitropoulos, and G. Stamoulis, “2D Simulator for Eddy Current Field Filters”. Eurosensors XXV, 2011.
M. –A. Nef, S. Karagiorgou, G. I. Stamoulis, and P. K. Kikiras, “Supporting Service
Differentiation in Wireless Sensor Networks”. 15th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), 2011, pp. 127 – 133.
M. –A. Nef, I. Filippopoulos, E. Voumvourakis, A. Aggelis, L. Perlepes,
G. Stamoulis, and P. Kikiras, “i-Protect: An Open Source Emergency Management Framework”. 15th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), 2011, pp. 386 – 391.
F. Toufexis, A. Papanikolaou, D. Soudris, G. Stamoulis, and S. Bantas, “Power, Performance and Area Prediction of 3D ICs during Early Stage Design Exploration
in 45nm”. 18th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2011, pp. 715 - 718.
N. Larisis, L. Perlepes, P. Kikiras, and G. Stamoulis, “U-Park: Parking Management System Based on Wireless Sensor Network Technology”. SensorComm 2012,
pp. 170-177.
M. –A. Nef, L. Perlepes, S. Karagiorgou, G. I. Stamoulis, and P. K. Kikiras, “Enabling QoS in the Internet of Things”. Fifth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service (CTRQ) 2012, pp. 33-
K. Daloukas, M.-A. Rammou, G. Drasidis, M. Tsiampas, N. Evmorfopoulos,
P. Tsompanopoulou, and G. Stamoulis, “Parallel Preconditioners Based on Fast
Poisson Solvers for Efficient Large-Scale Power Grid Analysis”. ACM/IEEE 2012 Design Automation Conference, Poster. San Francisco, June 2012.
K. Daloukas, N. Evmorfopoulos, P. Tsompanopoulou, and G. Stamoulis, “Fast Transform-Based Solvers as Parallel Preconditioners for Large-Scale Power Grid Analysis on Massively Parallel Architectures”. Poster at the ACM Student Research Competition, held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE 2012 Design Automation
Conference. San Francisco, June 2012.
K. Daloukas, N. Evmorfopoulos, G. Drasidis, M. Tsiampas, P. Tsompanopoulou, and G. Stamoulis, “Fast Transform-Based Preconditioners for Large-Scale Power Grid Analysis on Massively Parallel Architectures”, ICCAD 2012, pp. 384-391. (Best Paper Award Nominee)
N. Zarokostas, P. Dimitropoulos, J. Soldatos, and G. Stamoulis, “Triggering and Data Collection Framework for Sensing Application Level Events”, SOFTCOM 2012, pp. 1-5.
A. Xenakis, I. Katsavounidis, and G. Stamoulis, “Investigating Wireless Sensor
Network Lifetime under Static Routing with Unequal Energy Distribution”, Proc. Asia-Pacific Signal Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2012, pp. 1–7.
A. Cevrero, N. Evmorfopoulos, C. Antoniadis, P. Ienne, Y. Leblebici, A. Burg, and G. Stamoulis, “Fast and Accurate BER Estimation Methodology for I/O Links Based on Extreme Value Theory”. DATE 2013, pp. 503–508.
K. Daloukas, A. Marnari, N. Evmorfopoulos, P. Tsompanopoulou, and G. Stamoulis, “A Parallel Fast Transform-Based Preconditioning Approach for Electrical-Thermal
Co-Simulation of Power Delivery Networks”. DATE 2013, pp. 1689-1694.
A. Xenakis, F. Foukalas, G. Stamoulis, and T. Khattab, “Energy-aware Joint Power, Packet and Topology Optimization by Simulated Annealing for WSNs”. 7th IEEE
GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCC) 2013, pp. 17-21.
K. Daloukas, N. Evmorfopoulos, P. Tsompanopoulou, and G. I. Stamoulis, “A 3-D Fast Transform-Based Preconditioner for Large-Scale Power Grid Analysis on
Massively Parallel Architectures”. ISQED 2014, pp. 723-730.
I. Apostolopoulou, K. Daloukas, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Selective Inversion of Inductance Matrix for Large-Scale Sparse RLC Simulation”. DAC 2014, pp. 1-6.
C. Kalonakis, C. Antoniadis, P. Giannakou, D. Dioudis, G. Pinitas, and G. Stamoulis,
“TKtimer: Fast & Accurate Clock Network Pessimism Removal”. ICCAD 2014,
pp. 606-610.
G. I. Paliaroutis, P. Tsoumanis, G. Dimitriou, and G. I. Stamoulis, “SER analysis for
multiple affected gates”. Proceedings of CSCESM 2014.
A. N. Dadaliaris, G. Dimitriou, and G. I. Stamoulis, “VDA-Place: Voltage-Drop- Aware Standard Cell Placement”. Proceedings of CSCESM 2014.
S. K. Ioannidis, D. Ntioudis, C. Antoniadis, A. N. Dadaliaris, P. Tsompanopoulou, N.
E. Evmorfopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Optimization of an Integrated Circuit Placement Algorithm in a Parallel Environment”. Proceedings of CSCESM 2014.
M. Zervas, M. Spanou, G. Dimitriou, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Compact Physical Model of TSV for quick and accurate exploration of 3DICs”. Proceedings of CSCESM
G. Floros, G. Dimitriou, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Electromigration: Estimation
methodology for the sub-45nm era”. Proceedings of CSCESM 2014.
C. Antoniadis, G. Karakonstantis, N. Evmorfopoulos, A. Burg and G. Stamoulis, “On
the Statistical Memory Architecture Exploration and Optimization”. DATE 2015,
pp. 543-548.
G.-I. Paliaroutis, P. Tsoumanis and G. I. Stamoulis, “SER Analysis for Multiple
Affected Gates”. Proceedings of PACET 2015.
A. Dadaliaris, P. Oikonomou, G. Dimitriou and G. Stamoulis, “VDA Place+:
Voltage-Drop-Aware Placement”. Proceedings of PACET 2015.
T. Strousidou, C. Antoniadis, I. Arvanitakis, G. Dimitriou, N. Evmorfopoulos, P. Tsompanopoulou, P. Bozanis and G. Stamoulis, “Accelerating GORDIAN-based
placement through null space removal techniques”. Proceedings of PACET 2015.
D. Ntioudis, C. Kalonakis, P. Giannakou, C. Antoniadis, G.s Stamoulis, P.
Tsompanopoulou, N. Evmorfopoulos, J. Moondanos, and G. Dimitriou, “CCSOpt: A Continuous Gate-Level Resizing Tool”, Proceedings of MOCAST 2015.
P. Giannakou, C. Antoniadis, C. Kalonakis, D. Dioudis, G. Stamoulis, P. Tsompanopoulou, N. Evmorfopoulos, J. Moondanos, and G. Dimitriou, “GDS2trim: Physical Layout Manipulation Utility for continuous transistor sizing”,
Proceedings of MOCAST 2015.
N. C. Zygouris, F. Vlachos, A. N. Dadaliaris, G. I. Stamoulis, D. Vavougios, E.
Nerantzaki, and A. Striftou, “Learning difficulties screening web application”, Accepted for publication at WEEF/ICL2015.
P. Oikonomou, T. Loukopoulos, A. N. Dadaliaris, M. G. Koziri, and G. I. Stamoulis, “On formulating and tackling integrated circuit placement as a scheduling
problem”, Proceedings of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 2015,
pp. 86-91.
K. Kalaitzidis, G. Dimitriou, G. Stamoulis, and M. Dossis, “Performance and power simulation of a functional-unit-network processor with Simplescalar and Wattch”,
Proceedings of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 2015, pp. 71-76.
A. Xenakis, F. Foukalas, and G. Stamoulis, “Minimum weighted clustering algorithm
for wireless sensor networks”, Proceedings of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 2015, pp. 255-260.
G. I. Paliaroutis, P. Tsoumanis, G. Dimitriou, and G. I. Stamoulis, “SER Analysis of Multiple Transient Faults in Combinational Logic”, Proceedings of the SouthEast European Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM '16), pp. 36-41
P. Oikonomou, M. G. Koziri, A. N. Dadaliaris, Y. Hatzaras, E. Nerantzaki, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Heuristics for Iterative Detailed Standard Cell Placement”, Proceedings of the SouthEast European Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA- CECNSM 16), pp. 19-24
A. N. Dadaliaris, E. Nerantzaki, P. Oikonomou, Y. Hatzaras, A.-O. Troumpoulou, I. Arvanitakis, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Enhanced Tetris Legalization”, Proceedings of the SouthEast European Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM '16), pp. 32-35
G. Dimitriou, G. Chantzianastasiou, A. Tsakyridis, G. Stamoulis, and M. Dossis, “Source-Level Compiler Optimizations for High-Level Synthesis”, Proceedings of
the SouthEast European Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM '16), pp. 11-18.
M. Koziri, P. Papadopoulos, N. Tziritas, A. N. Dadaliaris, T. Loukopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis, “A framework for scheduling the encoding of multiple smart user
videos”, 11th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP), 2016.
A. Dadaliaris, E. Nerantzaki, M. Koziri, P. Oikonomou, T. Loukopoulos and G. Stamoulis, “Performance Evaluation of Tetris-based Legalization Heuristics”,
Proceedings of the 20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics 2016, pp. 60:1-- 60:6.
P. Papadopoulos, M. Koziri, N. Tziritas, T. Loukopoulos, I. Anagnostopoulos and G. Stamoulis, “Performance Evaluation of Batch Encodings in HEVC Using Slice Level Parallelism”, Proceedings of the 20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics 2016 pp. 70:1-70:6.
N. C. Zygouris, F. Vlachos, A. N. Dadaliaris, P. Oikonomou, G. I. Stamoulis, D. Vavougios, E. Nerantzaki, and A. Striftou, “The Implementation of a Web
Application for Screening Children with Dyslexia”, ICL 2016: Interactive Collaborative Learning pp 415-423.
G. Chatzianastasiou, A. Tsakyridis, G. Dimitriou, G. Stamoulis, and M. Dossis, “Compiler transformations in hardware synthesis of Mpeg2 codes”, 5th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies
(MOCAST) pp. 1-4, 2016.
N. C. Zygouris, A. Striftou, A. N. Dadaliaris, G. I. Stamoulis, A. C. Xenakis, and D. Vavougios, “The use of LEGO mindstorms in elementary schools”, Global
Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2017 IEEE, 514-516, 2017.
N. C. Zygouris, G. I. Stamoulis, F. Vlachos, D. Vavougios, A. N. Dadaliaris, E.
Nerantzaki, P. Oikonomou, and A. Striftou, “Screening for disorders of
mathematics via a web application”, Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2017 IEEE, 502-507, 2017.
G. Dimitriou, M. Dossis, and G. Stamoulis, “Loop pipelining in high-level synthesis with CCC”, 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems, Technologies, 2017.
P. Oikonomou, M. G. Koziri, A. N. Dadaliaris, T. Loukopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis,
“Domocus: Lock free parallel legalization in standard cell placement”, 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, 2017.
A. N. Dadaliaris, P. Oikonomou, M. G. Koziri, E. Nerantzaki, T. Loukopoulos, and
G. I. Stamoulis, “A Connectivity-Based Legalization Scheme for Standard Cell Placement”, Circuits and Systems 8 (08), 191, 2017.
I. Filippopoulos, and G. Stamoulis, “Collecting and using vessel's live data from on board equipment using Internet of Vessels (IoV) platform” South Eastern European
Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM) 2017, pp. 1-6.
G. Dimitriou, M. Dossis, and G. Stamoulis “Minimal-area loop pipelining for high- level synthesis with CCC” South Eastern European Design Automation, Computer
Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA- CECNSM) 2017, pp. 1-8.
A. N. Dadaliaris, P. Oikonomou, M. G. Koziri, Y. Hatzaras, and G. I. Stamoulis “SCIZER: A scalable placement visualizer/analyzer” South Eastern European
Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM) 2017, pp. 1-4.
M. Koziri, P. K. Papadopoulos, N. Tziritas, N. Giachoudis, T. Loukopoulos, S. U. Khan, and G. I. Stamoulis “Heuristics for tile parallelism in HEVC”, 2017 25th
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pp. 1514-1518
K. Mantos, N. Koungalis, G. Demesiotis, P. Oikonomou, A. N. Dadaliaris, and G. I.
Stamoulis “WEVIAN: A Web-based Placement Visualizer/Analyzer” Proceedings of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Article No. 16
E. Fatourou, N. C. Zygouris, T. Loukopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis “Evaluation of Early Introduction to Concurrent Computing Concepts in Primary School”
International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, pp. 543-552.
G. I. Paliaroutis, P. Tsoumanis, N. Evmorfopoulos, G. Dimitriou, and G. I. Stamoulis “Placement-based SER estimation in the presence of multiple faults in
combinational logic” 2017 27th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS) pp. 1-6.
C. Antoniadis, D. Garyfallou, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “EVT-based worst case delay estimation under process variation” Design, Automation & Test in
Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2018, pp. 1333-1338.
M. Tsiampas, N. Evmorfopoulos, K. Daloukas, J. Moondanos, and G. Stamoulis “A power-supply noise aware dynamic timing analysis methodology, based on a statistical prediction engine” 13th International Conference on Design &
Technology of Integrated Systems In Nanoscale Era (DTIS) 2018, pp. 1-6.
G. Floros, K. Daloukas, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “A parallel iterative approach for efficient full chip thermal analysis” (best paper award) 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies
(MOCAST) 2018, pp. 1-4.
D. Garyfallou, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Large scale circuit simulation exploiting combinatorial multigrid on massively parallel architectures” 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies
(MOCAST) 2018, pp. 1-4.
P. Oikonomou, A. N. Dadaliaris, T. Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas, and G. I.
Stamoulis “A Tetris-based legalization heuristic for standard cell placement with obstacles” 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems
Technologies (MOCAST) 2018, pp. 1-4.
T. Loukopoulos, N. Tziritas, M. Koziri, G. Stamoulis, S. U. Khan, C.-Z. Xu, and A.
Y. Zomaya “Data Stream Processing at Network Edges” 2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, pp. 657-665.
G. Floros, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Efficient Hotspot Thermal Simulation Via Low-Rank Model Order Reduction” 15th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to
Circuit Design, pp. 205-208.
D. Garyfallou, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “A Combinatorial Multigrid
Preconditioned Iterative Method for Large Scale Circuit Simulation on GPUs” 15th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
Methods and Applications to Circuit Design, pp. 209-212.
C. Antoniadis, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “On the Sparsification of the Reluctance Matrix in RLCk Circuit Transient Analysis” 15th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and
Applications to Circuit Design, pp. 201-204.
G. Dimitriou, M. Dossis, and G. Stamoulis “Operation Dependencies in Loop Pipelining for High-Level Synthesis” 3rd South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference, pp. 15-20.
E. N. Lallas, A. Xenakis, and G. Stamoulis “QoS and MPLS design issues in NoCs” 3rd South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer
Networks and Social Media Conference, pp. 21-24.
I. Filippopoulos and G. I. Stamoulis “Transferring Structured Data and applying business processes in remote vessel’s environments using the InfoNet Platform” 3rd South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference, pp. 134-139.
G. I. Paliaroutis, P. Tsoumanis, N. Evmorfopoulos, G. Dimitriou and G. Stamoulis “A Placement-aware Soft Error Rate Estimation of Combinational Circuits for
Multiple Transient Faults in CMOS Technology” 31st IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems.
T. Loukopoulos, N. Tziritas, M. Koziri, G. Stamoulis, and S. Khan “A Pareto- Efficient Algorithm for Data Stream Processing at Network Edges” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science
(CloudCom), pp. 159-162.
C. Antoniadis, N. Evmorfopoulos and G. Stamoulis “Efficient sparsification of dense
circuit matrices in model order reduction” Proceedings of the 24th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, pp. 255-260.
C. Antoniadis, N. Evmorfopoulos and G. Stamoulis “Efficient sparsification of dense circuit matrices in model order reduction” Proceedings of the 24th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, pp. 255-260.
G. I. Paliaroutis, P. Tsoumanis, N. Evmorfopoulos, G. Dimitriou and G. I. Stamoulis “Multiple Transient Faults in Combinational Logic with Placement Considerations” 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), pp. 1-4.
C. Antoniadis, N. Evmorfopoulos and G. Stamoulis “A Rigorous Approach for the Sparsification of Dense Matrices in Model Order Reduction of RLC Circuits” Proceedings of the 56th Annual Design Automation Conference, pp. 68-71.
K. Papageorgiou, E. Papageorgiou, A. Mourhir, and G. Stamoulis “Exploring OWA Operators for Aggregating Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Constructed by Experts/Stakeholders in Agriculture” 12th EFITA International Conference, pp. 54-59.
A. N. Dadaliaris, E. Karagos, P. Oikonomou, A. Striftou, D. Vavouguios, and G. I. Stamoulis “New Tasks for a Dyslexia Screening Web Application” Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, p.263.
C. Antoniadis, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “A Rigorous Approach for the Sparsification of Dense Matrices in Model Order Reduction of RLC Circuits” 56th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp.1-6
G. Floros, N. Evmorfonoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Efficient Circuit Reduction in Limited Frequency Windows” 6th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD) pp. 129-132.
D. Garyfallou, C. Antoniadis, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “A Sparsity-Aware MOR Methodology for Fast and Accurate Timing Analysis of VLSI Interconnects” 6th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD) pp. 89-92.
K. Papageorgiou, E.I. Papageorgiou, P. K Singh, and G. Stamoulis “A software tool for FCM aggregation employing credibility weights and learning OWA operators” 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA), pp. 1-8.
E. N. Lallas, A. Xenakis, and G. Stamoulis “A generic framework for a Peer to Peer Blockchain based Fog Architecture in Industrial Automation” 4th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM) pp. 1-5.
G. Floros, C. Chatzigeorgiou, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “THANOS: Eliminating Redundant States in Transient Thermal Analysis” 25th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC) pp. 1-5.
E. Fatourou, N. C. Zygouris, A. Loukopoulos, G. I. Stamoulis, and D. Vavougios “More Than Structured Programming in Primary School Syllabus” International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning pp. 212-221.
A. Karanika, M. Soula, C. Anagnostopoulos, K. Kolomvatsos, and G. Stamoulis “Optimized Analytics Query Allocation at the Edge of the Network” International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, pp.181-190.
A. Tziouvaras, G. Dimitriou, M. Dossis, and G. Stamoulis “Instruction-Flow-Based Timing Analysis in Pipelined Processors” Panhellenic Conference on Electronics & Telecommunications (PACET) pp.1-6.
C. Antoniadis, M. Mihajlovic, N. Evmorfopoulos, G. Stamoulis, and V. F. Pavlidis “Efficient Linear System Solution Techniques in the Simulation of Large Dense Mutually Inductive Circuits” IEEE 37th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), pp.405-408.
D. Garyfallou, I. Tsiokanos, N. Evmorfopoulos, G. Stamoulis, and G. Karakonstantis “Accurate Estimation of Dynamic Timing Slacks using Event-Driven Simulation” 21st International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), pp. 225-230.
C. Georgakidis, G. I. Paliaroutis, N. Sketopoulos, P. Tsoumanis, C. Sotiriou, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “A Layout-Based Soft Error Rate Estimation and Mitigation in the Presence of Multiple Transient Faults in Combinational Logic” 21st International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), pp. 231-236.
A. Xenakis, G. Papastergiou, V. C. Gerogiannis, and G. Stamoulis “Applying a Convolutional Neural Network in an IoT Robotic System for Plant Disease Diagnosis” 11th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA).
A. Gotsinas, K. Kalovrektis, A. Xenakis, and G. Stamoulis “A ZigBee–based Lightweight Wireless Sensor System for measuring action potential bio signals in Agriculture IoT Applications” 11th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA).
K. Kalovrektis, A. Xenakis, A. Gotsinas, I. Korinthios, and G. Stamoulis “802.15. 4-based Efficient Wireless Sensor System Design for Monitoring Blood Oxygen and Heart Rate in IoT Medical Applications” 11th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA).
K. Papageorgiou, G. Carvalho, E. I. Papageorgiou, N. I. Papandrianos, M. Mendonça, and G. Stamoulis “Exploring Brazilian photovoltaic solar energy development scenarios using the fuzzy cognitive map wizard tool” IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE).
C. Stathaki, A. Xenakis, P. Skayannis, and G. Stamoulis “Studying the Role of Proximity in Advancing Innovation Partnerships at the Dawn of Industry 4.0 era” European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 651-XXII.
A. Tziouvaras, G. Dimitriou, M. Dossis, and G. Stamoulis “Adaptive Operation-Based ALU and FPU Clocking” 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST).
G. Dimitriou, M. Dossis, and G. Stamoulis “Global and Pointer Variables in High-Level Synthesis” 5th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM).
S. P. Chytas, L. Maglaras, A. Derhab, and G. Stamoulis “Assessment of Machine Learning Techniques for Building an Efficient IDS” First International Conference of Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (SMARTTECH).
P. Oikonomou, K. Kolomvatsos, N. Tziritas, G. Theodoropoulos, T. Loukopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Uncertainty Driven Workflow Scheduling Using Unreliable Cloud Resources” IEEE 19th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA)
C. Chatzigeorgiou, D. Garyfallou, G. Floros, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Exploiting Extended Krylov Subspace for the Reduction of Regular and Singular Circuit Models” Proceedings of the 26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference pp. 773-778.
E. Fatourou, N. C. Zygouris, T Loukopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis “Review of Learning Design Choices of Primary School Programming Courses in Empirical Researches”. 2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), pp. 1010-1018
P. Tsoumanis, G. I. Paliaroutis, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “On the Impact of Electrical Masking and Timing Analysis on Soft Error Rate Estimation in Deep Submicron Technologies”. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT 2021), pp. 1-6.
D. Bountas, N. Evmorfopoulos, G. Dimitriou, A. Dadaliaris, G. Floros, and G. Stamoulis “Statistical Estimation of Leakage Power Bounds in CMOS VLSI Circuits”. Proceedings of PCI 2021, in print
N. C. Zygouris, K. Botsoglou, A. N. Dadaliaris, G. Dimitriou, D. Trontsios, G. I. Stamoulis, and D. Vavougios “Screening Executive Functions of Preschool Children via a Web Application”. Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2020), Volume 1 23, pp. 141-150
A. Striftou, N. C. Zygouris, G. I. Stamoulis, and D. Vavougios “Work in Progress: Web-Delivered Reading Improvement Battery of Tasks”. Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2020), Volume 1 23, pp. 643-654.
G. Zioviris, K. Kolomvatsos, and G. Stamoulis “On the Use of a Sequential Deep Learning Scheme for Financial Fraud Detection”. Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2021 Computing Conference, Volume 2, pp. 507-523
S. Gkika, N. Zygouris, I. Galantomos, P. Oikonomou, G. Dimitriou, S. Kopsidas, and G. Stamoulis “Web-assessing foreign language acquisition of mixed ability primary school pupils to enhance differentiated flipped blended learning” ICERI2022 Proceedings, pp. 4871-4880
D. Garyfallou, A. Vagenas, C. Antoniadis, Y. Massoud, and G. Stamoulis “Leveraging Machine Learning for Gate-level Timing Estimation Using Current Source Models and Effective Capacitance”. Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2022, pp. 77-83.
D. Papalekas, A. Tziouvaras, G. Floros, G. Dimitriou, M. Dossis, and G. Stamoulis “Near data processing performance improvement prediction via metric-based workload classification”. 2022 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), pp. 1-4.
O. Axelou, G. Floros, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Accelerating electromigration stress analysis using low-rank balanced truncation”. 2022 18th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD), pp. 1-4.
K. Kalovrektis, A. Xenakis, E. Mantalovas, G. Stamoulis, S. Psycharis, and N. Evelpidou “A Force Estimation Sensor System TestBed for Geological Phenomena Analysis based on Biomimetic”. 2022 7th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM), pp. 1-7.
K. Kalovrektis, A. Xenakis, D. Sofianou, G. Simatos, G. Papadopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “A Low Cost IoT TestBed System for Alzheimer’s Early Stages Diagnosis in Health 4.0 Application”. 2022 7th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM), pp. 1-5.
O. Axelou, N. Evmorfopoulos, G. Floros, G. Stamoulis, and S. S. Sapatnekar “A Novel Semi-Analytical Approach for Fast Electromigration Stress Analysis in Multi-Segment Interconnects”. Proceedings of the 41st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, pp. 1-7.
P. Stoikos, G. Floros, D. Garyfallou, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “A fast semi-analytical approach for transient electromigration analysis of interconnect trees using matrix exponential”. Proceedings of the 28th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, pp. 1-6
P. Stoikos, O. Axelou, G. Floros, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “On the Reduction of Large-Scale Room Acoustic Models”. ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 1-5.
A. Takou, P. Stoikos, M. Moysis, G. Floros, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “An Efficient Security Closure Methodology for EM-based Attacks on Power Grid Structures”. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), pp. 1-4.
G.I. Paliaroutis, P. Tsoumanis, D. Garyfallou, A. Vagenas, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Accurate Soft Error Rate Evaluation Using Event-Driven Dynamic Timing Analysis”. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), pp. 5-8.
J. N. Avaritsiotis, G. Stamoulis, and S. A. Achtidas. “Automatic Resistor generation
and thick film circuit layout using the Magic layout editor”. Microelectronics Journal, pp. 5-14, June 1991.
P. -C. Li, G. I. Stamoulis, and I. N. Hajj. “A probabilistic timing approach to hot-
carrier effect estimation”. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, pp. 1223- 1234, October 1994.
N. Bellas, I. Hajj, C. Polychronopoulos, and G. Stamoulis. “Architectural and Compiler Techniques for Energy Reduction in High Performance
Microprocessors”. IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, June 2000, pp. 317-326.
G. I. Stamoulis. “A Monte-Carlo Approach for the Estimation of Average Transition
Probabilities in Sequential Logic Circuits”. Active and Passive Electronic Components, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 69-85, 2001.
N. E. Evmorfopoulos, G. I. Stamoulis, and J. N. Avaritsiotis. “A Monte-Carlo
approach for maximum power estimation based on extreme value theory”. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 415-432, 2002.
P. D. Dimitropoulos, C. Kachris, D. P. Karampatzakis, and G. I. Stamoulis, “A new
SOI capacitive sensor for absolute and differential pressure measurements”. Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 123-124 (2005), pp. 36-43.
P. D. Dimitropoulos, D. P. Karampatzakis, G. D. Panagopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis,
“A Low-Power / Low-Noise Readout Circuit for Integrated Capacitive Sensors”. IEEE J. Sensors, Vol. 6 (2006), pp. 755-769.
P. D. Dimitropoulos, G. I. Stamoulis, and E. Hristoforou, “A 3D Hybrid Jiles- Atherton / Stoner-Wohlfarth Magnetic Hysteresis Model for Inductive Sensors and
Actuators”. IEEE J. Sensors, Vol. 6 (2006), pp. 721-736.
N. E. Evmorfopoulos, D. P. Karampatzakis, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Accurate Minimum Area Design of Power/Ground Meshes Subject to Voltage-Drop Constraints”.
Journal of Active and Passive Electronic Devices, Vol. 2 (2006), pp. 55-70.
V. N. Petoussis, P. Dimitropoulos, and G. Stamoulis, “A Novel Hall Effect Sensor
Using Elaborate Offset Cancellation Method”. Sensors and Transducers, Vol. 100, Issue 1 (2009), pp. 85-91.
V. N. Petoussis, P. Dimitropoulos, and G. Stamoulis, “General Development of a New Hall Effect Sensor”. Sensors and Transducers, Vol. 127, Issue 4 (2011), pp.
G. Giannakas, F. Plessas, and G. Stamoulis, “Pseudo-FG technique for efficient
energy harvesting”. Electronics letters 48 (9), pp. 522-523.
L. Perlepes, A. Zaharis, G. Stamoulis, and P. Kikiras, “A Framework for Secure Data
Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks”. Sensors and Transducers, Vol. 136, Issue 2 (2012), pp. 125-149.
N. Larisis, L. Perlepes, P. Kikiras, and G. Stamoulis, “U-Park: Parking Management System Based on Wireless Sensor Network Technology”. Sensors and Transducers
Journal, Special Issue, vol. 18 (2013), pp. 100-112.
N. C. Zygouris, F. Vlachos, A. N. Dadaliaris, P. Oikonomou, G. I. Stamoulis, D. Vavougios, E. Nerantzaki, and A. Striftou, “The Implementation of a Web Application for Screening Children with Dyslexia”, Interactive Collaborative Learning, Volume 545 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing (2016) pp 415-423
A. Xenakis, F. Foukalas, and G. Stamoulis, “Cross-layer energy-aware topology
control through Simulated Annealing for WSNs”, Computers & Electrical Engineering Volume 56, November 2016, pp. 576–590.
K. Daloukas, N. Evmorfopoulos, P. Tsompanopoulou, and G. Stamoulis, “Parallel Fast Transform-Based Preconditioners for Large-Scale Power Grid Analysis on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided
Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 35(10) (2016) pp. 1653-1666.
N. C. Zygouris, E. Avramidis, A. V. Karapetsas, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Differences in dyslexic students before and after a remediation program: A clinical
neuropsychological and event related potential study”, Applied Neuropsychology: Child, pp. 1-10 (2017)
A. Xenakis, F. Foukalas, G. Stamoulis, and I. Katsavounidis, “Topology control with coverage and lifetime optimization of wireless sensor networks with unequal energy
distribution”, Computers & Electrical Engineering 2017.
A. N. Dadaliaris, P. Oikonomou, M. G. Koziri, E. Nerantzaki, Y. Hatzaras, D. Garyfallou, T. Loukopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis, “Heuristics to Augment the Performance of Tetris Legalization: Making a Fast but Inferior Method
Competitive”, Journal of Low Power Electronics 13 (2), 220-230, 2017
M. Koziri, P. K. Papadopoulos, N. Tziritas, A. N. Dadaliaris, T. Loukopoulos, and G.
I. Stamoulis, “On planning the adoption of new video standards in social media
networks: a general framework and its application to HEVC”, Social Network Analysis and Mining 7 (1), 32, 2017
N. Tziritas, M. Koziri, A. Bachtsevani, T. Loukopoulos, S. U. Khan, G. Stamoulis, and C.-Z. Xu, “Performing Data Replication and Virtual Machine Migrations to Mitigate Network Overhead between Traditional Cloud and Mobile Cloud
Systems” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2(4): 320-332, 2017.
N. C. Zygouris, F. Vlachos, A. N. Dadaliaris, P. Oikonomou, G. I. Stamoulis, D. Vavougios, E. Nerantzaki, and A. Striftou “A Neuropsychological Approach of Developmental Dyscalculia and a Screening Test Via a Web Application”
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 7 (4), pp. 51-65.
P. K. Papadopoulos, N. C. Zygouris, M. G. Koziri, T. Loukopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis “Mobivoke: A Mobile System Architecture to Support off School
Collaborative Learning Process” Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning, pp. 587-592
N. C. Zygouris, E. Avramidis, A. V. Karapetsas, and G. I. Stamoulis “Differences in dyslexic students before and after a remediation program: a clinical neuropsychological and event related potential study”, Applied Neuropsychology:
Child 7 (3), pp. 235-244
E. Fatourou, N. C. Zygouris, T. Loukopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis “Teaching Concurrent Programming Concepts Using Scratch in Primary School: Methodology
and Evaluation” International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 8 (4), 89-105
G. Floros, K. Daloukas, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “A Preconditioned Iterative Approach for Efficient Full Chip Thermal Analysis on Massively Parallel
Platforms” Technologies 7 (1) 1
P Oikonomou, A Dadaliaris, K Kolomvatsos, T Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas, and
G. I. Stamoulis “Improved Parallel Legalization Schemes for Standard Cell Placement with Obstacles” Technologies 7 (1) 3
N. Tziritas, M. Koziri, A. Bachtsevani, T. Loukopoulos, S. U. Khan, G. Stamoulis, and C.-Z. Xu, “Performing Data Replication and Virtual Machine Migrations to Mitigate Network Overhead between Traditional Cloud and Mobile Cloud Systems” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2(4): 320-332, 2017.
N. C. Zygouris, F. Vlachos, A. N. Dadaliaris, P. Oikonomou, G. I. Stamoulis, D. Vavougios, E. Nerantzaki, and A. Striftou “A Neuropsychological Approach of Developmental Dyscalculia and a Screening Test Via a Web Application” International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 7 (4), pp. 51-65.
P. K. Papadopoulos, N. C. Zygouris, M. G. Koziri, T. Loukopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis “Mobivoke: A Mobile System Architecture to Support off School Collaborative Learning Process” Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning, pp. 587-592
N. C. Zygouris, E. Avramidis, A. V. Karapetsas, and G. I. Stamoulis “Differences in dyslexic students before and after a remediation program: a clinical neuropsychological and event related potential study”, Applied Neuropsychology: Child 7 (3), pp. 235-244
E. Fatourou, N. C. Zygouris, T. Loukopoulos, and G. I. Stamoulis “Teaching Concurrent Programming Concepts Using Scratch in Primary School: Methodology and Evaluation” International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 8 (4), 89-105
G. Floros, K. Daloukas, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “A Preconditioned Iterative Approach for Efficient Full Chip Thermal Analysis on Massively Parallel Platforms” Technologies 7 (1) 1
P. Oikonomou, A. Dadaliaris, K. Kolomvatsos, T. Loukopoulos, A. Kakarountas, and G. I. Stamoulis “Improved Parallel Legalization Schemes for Standard Cell Placement with Obstacles” Technologies 7 (1) 3
G. Floros, N. Evmorfopoulos and G. Stamoulis “Efficient IC hotspot thermal analysis via low-rank Model Order Reduction” Integration 66, pp. 1-8.
K. Papageorgiou, P. K Singh, E. Papageorgiou, H. Chudasama, D. Bochtis, and G. Stamoulis “Fuzzy Cognitive Map-Based Sustainable Socio-Economic Development Planning for Rural Communities” Sustainability 12(1), pp. 1-31.
G. Vavougios, C. Nday, S.H. Pelidou, G. Stamoulis, and T. Doskas “Pathogen-induced autoimmunity and impaired proteostasis in Alzheimer's disease: a deurology 26, 272-272.
K. I. Papageorgiou, K. Poczeta, E. Papageorgiou, V. C. Gerogiannis, and G. Stamoulis “Exploring an Ensemble of Methods that Combines Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neural Networks in Solving the Time Series Prediction Problem of Gas Consumption in Greece” Algorithms 12(11) p. 235.
K. Papageorgiou, G. Carvalho, E. I. Papageorgiou, D. Bochtis, and G. Stamoulis “Decision-Making Process for Photovoltaic Solar Energy Sector Development using Fuzzy Cognitive Map Technique” Energies 13 (6), pp. 1-23.
K. Papageorgiou, E. I. Papageorgiou, K. Poczeta, D. Bochtis, and G. Stamoulis “Forecasting of Day-Ahead Natural Gas Consumption Demand in Greece Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System” Energies 13 (9), 1-32.
K. Kalovrektis, A. Xenakis, A. Gotsinas, I. Korinthios, and G. Stamoulis “A Customizable Wireless Sensor System for Estimating and Transmitting Human Stress Levels Biosignals with IoT Platform” Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications 10(1) pp. 9-16.
J. A. Korinthios, E. Sykas, A. Xenakis, K. Kalovrektis, and G. Stamoulis “Mobility Tracking Signalling Optimisation in Mobile Networks” Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications 10(1) pp. 17-21.
K. Kalovrektis, A. Xenakis, I. Korinthios, A. Kakarountas, A. Gotsinas, and G. Stamoulis “An IoT–Sensor Based Hand Trembling Robotic System for Studying Parkinson’s Symptoms” International Journal of Internet of Things 9(1) pp. 12-19.
G. I. Paliaroutis, P. Tsoumanis, N. Evmorfopoulos, G. Dimitriou, G. I. Stamoulis “SET Pulse Characterization and SER Estimation in Combinational Logic with Placement and Multiple Transient Faults Considerations” Technologies 8(1) pp. 1-15.
G. Vavougios, S. Zarogiannis, K. Krogfelt, G. Stamoulis, K. Gourgoulianis, and T. Doskas “Comparative transcriptomics of sporadic Parkinson's disease and Tuberculosis gene expression data: a data-driven case for a second hit, outside in copper-phagosome disorder” European Journal of Neurology 27, p. 1126.
G. Floros, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Frequency-Limited Reduction of Regular and Singular Circuit Models Via Extended Krylov Subspace Method” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems pp. 1610-1620.
G. D. Vavougios, S. Zarogiannis, K. A. Krogfelt, G. Stamoulis, and K. I. Gourgoulianis “Epigenetic regulation of apoptosis via the PARK7 interactome in peripheral blood mononuclear cells donated by tuberculosis patients vs. healthy controls and the response to treatment: A systems biology approach” Tuberculosis 123.
K. Papageorgiou, P. K. Singh, E. I. Papageorgiou, H. Chudasama, D. Bochtis, and G. Stamoulis “Participatory modelling for poverty alleviation using fuzzy cognitive maps and OWA learning aggregation” PLoS ONE 15(6): e0233984.
G. D.Vavougios, C. Nday, S.-H. Pelidou, S. G.Zarogiannis, K. I. Gourgoulianis, G. Stamoulis, and T. Doskas “Double hit viral parasitism, polymicrobial CNS residency and perturbed proteostasis in Alzheimer’s disease: A data driven, in silico analysis of gene expression data” Molecular Immunology 127, 124-135
C. Antoniadis, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Graph-Based Sparsification and Synthesis of Dense Matrices in the Reduction of RLC Circuits”, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 29 (3), 580-590
G. Zioviris, K. Kolomvatsos, and G. Stamoulis “On the Use of a Sequential Deep Learning Scheme for Financial Fraud Detection”. Intelligent Computing, pp. 507-523
G. Vavougios, T. Mavridis, M. Breza, T. Ntoskas, G. Stamoulis, S. Zarogiannis, and K. Gourgoulianis “The neuroinvasive phenotype of COVID-19's the community: Data from Carnegie Mellon University's Delphi Group”. European Journal of Neurology, pp. 665-665
D. Garyfallou, S. Simoglou, N. Sketopoulos, C. Antoniadis, C. P. Sotiriou, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Gate delay estimation with library compatible current source models and effective capacitance”. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 29 (5), pp. 962-972
M. Soula, A. Karanika, K. Kolomvatsos, C. Anagnostopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Intelligent tasks allocation at the edge based on machine learning and bio-inspired algorithms”. Evolving Systems, pp. 1-22
G. D. Vavougios, C. Nday, S.-H. Pelidou, K. I. Gourgoulianis, G. Stamoulis, T. Doskas, and S. G. Zarogiannis “Outside-in induction of the IFITM3 trafficking system by infections, including SARS-CoV-2, in the pathobiology of Alzheimer’s Disease”. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity-Health 14, 100243.
S. Polyzou, N. Zygouris, K. Botsoglou, G. I. Stamoulis, and D. Vavougios “Micro-environments in Libraries for Young Children”. Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning 9 (5)
G. D. Vavougios, S. Zarogiannis, D. Barh, M. Breza, K. A. Krogfelt, G. Stamoulis, and K. I. Gourgoulianis “Innate immunity and metal ion trafficking pathway perturbations in idiopathic Parkinson's disease and Tuberculosis: A comparative transcriptomics approach”. Brain Disorders 4, 100025
S. Polyzou, K. Botsoglou, N. C. Zygouris, and G. Stamoulis “Interactive books for preschool children: from traditional interactive paper books to augmented reality books: listening to children’s voices through mosaic approach”. Education 3-13, pp. 1-12
P. Tsoumanis, G. I. Paliaroutis, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Analysis of the Impact of Electrical and Timing Masking on Soft Error Rate Estimation in VLSI Circuits” Technologies 10 (1), 23
E. N. Sgourou, A. Daskalopulu, L. H. Tsoukalas, G. Stamoulis, R. V. Vovk, and A. Chroneos “Seventy-Five Years since the Point-Contact Transistor: Germanium Revisited”. Applied Sciences 12 (23), 11993.
M. Soula, A. Karanika, K. Kolomvatsos, C. Anagnostopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Intelligent tasks allocation at the edge based on machine learning and bio-inspired algorithms”. Evolving Systems 13 (2), pp. 221-242.
G. D. Vavougios, V. T. Stavrou, C. Konstantatos, P.-C. Sinigalias, S. G. Zarogiannis, K. Kolomvatsos, G. Stamoulis, and K. I. Gourgoulianis “COVID-19 Phenotypes and Comorbidity: A Data-Driven, Pattern Recognition Approach Using National Representative Data from the United States”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (8), 4630.
A. Tragoudaras, P. Stoikos, K. Fanaras, A. Tziouvaras, G. Floros, G. Dimitriou, K. Kolomvatsos, and G. Stamoulis “Design space exploration of a sparse mobilenetv2 using high-level synthesis and sparse matrix techniques on FPGAs”. Sensors 22 (12), 4318.
G. Zioviris, K. Kolomvatsos, and G. Stamoulis “Credit card fraud detection using a deep learning multistage model”. The Journal of Supercomputing 78 (12), pp. 14571-14596.
N. C. Zygouris, F. Vlachos, and G. I. Stamoulis “ERPs in Children and Adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Before and after an Intervention Program”. Brain Sciences 12 (9), 1174.
A. Panagopoulos and G. Stamoulis “Computer based screening test of Dyslexic High School Students in Greece”. International Journal of Special Education (IJSE) 37 (1), pp. 127-139.
K. Demertzis, P. Kikiras, C. Skianis, K. Rantos, L. Iliadis, and G. Stamoulis “Federated Auto-Meta-Ensemble Learning Framework for AI-Enabled Military Operations”. Electronics 12 (2), 430.
O. Axelou, G. Floros, N. Evmorfopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Fast electromigration stress analysis using Low-Rank Balanced Truncation for general interconnect and power grid structures” Integration 89, pp. 197-206.
A. Panagopoulos, and G. Stamoulis “Web application for screening dyslexia-A case study in Greek junior high school students”. Journal of Psychological and Educational Research 31 (1), pp. 84-105.
S Polyzou, K Botsoglou, NC Zygouris, G Stamoulis “Interactive books for preschool children: from traditional interactive paper books to augmented reality books: listening to children’s voices through mosaic approach”, Education 3-13 51 (6), pp. 881-892.
N. Evmorfopoulos, J. Avaritsiotis, and G. Stamoulis, “Maximum power estimation in CMOS VLSI circuits”. In A. Nassiopoulou and X. Zanni (eds.), Microelectronics,
Microsystems and Nanotechnology, World Scientific, 2001.
N. Evmorfopoulos, S. Bantas, and G. Stamoulis, “Simulation Techniques for Large-
Scale Circuits”, Mixed-Signal Circuits 46, 205, CRC Press 2016.
Βιβλία Translation to Greek of the 3rd edition of “Computer Architecture” by J. Hennessy
and D. Patterson.
U.S. Patents
G. I. Stamoulis, J. Sugisawa, and M. Y. Zhang. “Method and Apparatus for Low
Power Data Transmission”. United States Patent 5831453.
G. I. Stamoulis, and Y. Ye. “Method and Apparatus for Generating Waveforms using Adiabatic Circuitry”. United States Patent 5838203.
G. Stamoulis, S. Bantas, D. Bountas, N. Evmorfopoulos, M. Tsiampas, and
P. Merakos. “System and method for determining simulated response extrema for integrated circuit power supply networks”. United States Patent US8516423.
G. Stamoulis, S. Bantas, D. Bountas, N. Evmorfopoulos, M. Tsiampas, and
P. Merakos. “System and Method for Circuit Analysis”. United States Patent Application 12/894102.
K. Daloukas, N. Evmorfopoulos, P. Tsompanopoulou, and G. Stamoulis, “Large- scale power grid analysis on parallel architectures”. United States Patent
Antonis Dadaliaris
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Χωροθέτηση ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων με παραμέτρους αξιοπιστίας |
Year | 2012 |
Apostolis Xenakis
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Energy Consumpation Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks with the use of Topology Control methods |
Year | 2014 |
Athanasios Tziouvaras
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Design Space Exploration in Near-data co-processors for General-purpose Acceleration in High-Performance and Low-power Processing Environments |
Year | 2021 |
Chrysoula Florou
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | The self- assessment of Primary School Students During the Process of Learning Programming Concepts Using Specially Designed Modern Educational Learning Tools |
Year | 2024 |
Dimitrios Mpountas
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Εργαλεία CAD για Υπολογισμό Ισχύος και Αξιοπιστίας Κυκλωμάτων VLSI |
Year | 2010 |
Dimitrios Karampatzakis
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Μέθοδοι Ανάλυσης Της ΑξιοπιστίαςΟλοκληρωμένων Κυκλωμάτων |
Year | 2009 |
Fani Liakou
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Galvanically Isolated Wide-Band Current Sensors |
Year | 2012 |
George Zioviris
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | AI-driven application in banking: multistage deep learning for fraud detection and model interpretability |
Year | 2024 |
Georgios Giannakas
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Σχεδίαση Ολοκληρωμένων Μετατροπέων Ισχύος Ραδιοσυχνοτήτων (RF) σε Ισχύ Συνεχούς (DC) |
Year | 2012 |
Maria Koziri
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Αλγόριθμοι και Υλοποίηση Πρόβλεψης Macroblock στο Η.264 |
Year | 2007 |
Michael Tsiampas
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Ανάλυση χρονισμού και αξιοπιστίας ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων σε τεχνολογίες κάτω των 45nm |
Year | 2019 |
Miron Kampitakis
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Ανάλυση και Σχεδίαση Μικροκιματικών Μεταϋλικών Μέσων |
Year | 2012 |
Panagiotis Oikonomou
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Temporospatial Organization of Circuits and Tasks over the Cloud |
Year | 2017 |
Pelopidas Tsoumanis
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Models and Algorithms of Soft Error Inducing Mechanisms in ICs |
Year | 2021 |
Vlassis Petousis
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Η ελάττωση της Τάσης Offset σε Αισθητήρες Ρεύματος Βασισμένους στο Φαινόμενο Hall |
Year | 2012 |
Alexandra Takou
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Side-channel analysis for hardware trojan detection |
atakou@e-ce.uth.gr |
Anastasios-Ioulios Vagenas
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Design and Optimization of VLSI circuits under IR-drop constraints |
avagenas@e-ce.uth.gr |
Apostolos Dimosthenis
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Study of the Contribution of Data Science, Machine and Deep Learning to Automated Integrated Circuit Design and their Practical Application to Find Automated Design Optimizations |
demosthenes@e-ce.uth.gr |
Argyro Velaora
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Comperative Evaluation of the Efficiency of Private and Social Investments in Upper Secondary General and Vocational Education in Greece |
avelaora@e-ce.uth.gr |
George Kirodimos
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | How University education and research , including the presence of university institutions, impacts the growth of economy : The case of Greece over the period 1975-2021 |
Georgios - Rafail Goudroumanis
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Reliability Driven 3D IC Routing flows and methodologies |
ggeorgios-r@e-ce.uth.gr |
Kaliopi Aslanoglou
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Neurofeedback as a Means to Improve Cognitive Functions in Education of Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder using Information and Communication Technologies |
kaaslanoglou@e-ce.uth.gr |
Maria Pantazi-Kypraiou
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Analytical and Machine Learning Methods in Reliability Driven Placement» management and sharing solutions to ensure data sovereignty, governance, and provenance for facilitating data-driven innovation |
mpantazi-@e-ce.uth.gr |
Nikolaos Gkoutzinis
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Banking Sector Digital Transformation Optimization |
gkoutzin@e-ce.uth.gr |
Stamatia Kokkari
Supervisor | Georgios Stamoulis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Design and Development of Open Source tools for the Teaching of the Logic Design Course |