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Emmanouil Vavalis, Professor | |
Bachelor | Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece |
Ph.D. | Numerical Analysis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece |
Office | 323 |
Office Hours | No Office Hours |
Tel. | +30 24210 74906 |
mav@e-ce.uth.gr | |
Web Page CV Google Scholar |
- Personalized News and Scientific Publications Aggregation with N. Nanas and E. Houstis, Information Processing & Management 46(3) 2010, 268-283.
- Knowledge-Based Representation of 3D Media with G. Vasilakis, A. Garcia-Rojas, L. Papaleo, C. Catalano, F. Robbiano, M. Spagnuolo, M.Pitikakis, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 20 5(2010) 739-760.
- Words, Antibodies and their Interactions with N. Nanas and Anne De Roeck, Swarm Intelligence 4 4(2010) 275-300.
- Semantically Interoperable 3D Scientific Objects with M. Pitikakis and C. Houstis, The Knowledge Engineering Review, 27 1(2012) 33-55.
- Finite Element Simulations of Window Josephson Junctions, M. Mo and G. Sarailidis, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2012 to appear).
- Electronic editor-in-chief platforms. with I. Koutsaftikis and N. Nanas, to http://firstmonday.org. (February 2013).
Conference Proceedings
- Immune Learning in a Dynamic Information Environment, with N. Nanas and L. Kellis, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems, 6209 LNCS, (2010) 47-60.
- LAPACK WS: Offering Lapack over the Web, with D. Benis and E. Houstis, Proceedings of the NumAn2010 Conference in Numerical Analysis,(2010).
- Revisiting evolutionary information filtering, with N. Nanas and S. Kodovas, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2010 - 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2010, art. no. 5586070,(2010).
- Immune Inspired Information Filtering in a High Dimensional Space, with N. Nanas, S. Kodovas, and E. Houstis, 9th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 20010), Springer, (2010)
- A Network-Based Model for High-Dimensional Information Filtering, with N. Nanas, and A. De Roeck, Proceedings of the Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, LNCS 6290(2010) 47-60.
- Models and Systems for Simulating Full Electric Trains, Proceedings of the 16th National Energy Conference, with A. Nasiakou, N.Faidi and L. Tsoukalas, (2012) to appear.
- Hybrid PDE solvers, Proceedings of the Workshop on PDE Software Frameworks, with G. Sarailidis, (2012) to appear.
Book Chapters
- Collective Information Filtering for Web Observatories with N. Nanas, L. Kellis, D. Koutsaftikis and E. Houstis, In: Collaborative Search and Communities of Interest: Trends in Knowledge Sharing and Assessment (P. Francq, ed.) IGI Global, Hershey, MA (2010) 64-81.
- On the impact of Knowledge Management of 3-Dimensional Archaeology & Cultural Heritage, In: Heritage in the Digital Era, ISBN 978-1-907132-25-4, MultiScience, (2010).
- Real Valued Block SOR Iterative Methods for the Helmholtz Equation, Applied Numerical Mathematics, under revision.
- Web Service Composition for 3D Models, with M. Pitikakis, submitted to Semantic Web.
Current funded projects
- IMPACT: Identifying and Motivating youth who mostly need Physical ACTivity, Erasmus+ project, 2017 - 2019
- HEPHAESTUS: Towards Next Generation Intelligent Energy Systems, Aristeia project, General Secretary for Research and Development, 2013 - 2016
- RETOUR: Remedial and Rehabilitation Tourism in Thessaly, Synergasia project, General Secretary for Research and Development, 2013 - 2016
- An Advance Mathematical and Software Platform for the Numerical Solution of Multi-domain, Multi-Physics problems, Thales project, General Secretary for Research and Development, 2012 - 2016
- Intelligent Smart Specialization and Growth Pole of Thessaly, KRIPIS project,General Secretary for Research and Development, 2013 - 2016
- A web observatory for research activities, Research Committee, University of Thessaly, 2012 - 2013
Undergraduate Courses:Postgraduate Courses of PGS in "Science and Technology of ECE":
Ph.D. Graduates:
Ph.D. Candidates:
Antonia Nasiakou
Supervisor | Emmanouil Vavalis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Next Generation Energy Markets and Applications |
Year | 2018 |
Magdalini Foti
Supervisor | Emmanouil Vavalis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Information Models and Systems for Next Generation Energy Markets |
Year | 2019 |
Dimitrios Zimeris
Supervisor | Emmanouil Vavalis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Ευστάθεια Εγκαταστάσεων σε Ευφυές Δίκτυο με Χρονομεταβαλόμενο κόστος Ενέργειας |
dzimeris@e-ce.uth.gr |
Eleni Koumara
Supervisor | Emmanouil Vavalis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Teaching philosophical terms to students via Generative AI |
Georgios Nikitopoulos
Supervisor | Emmanouil Vavalis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Automated Software Vulnerability Detection Systems |
gnikitopoulos@e-ce.uth.gr |
Nikolaos Papagiannis
Supervisor | Emmanouil Vavalis, Professor |
Phd Thesis Title | Applications of Large Language Models in Legal Sciences |
papnikolaos@e-ce.uth.gr |